纤维材料改性国家重点实验室2020年度访问学者基金申请通知 |
东华大学纤维材料改性国家重点实验室自1992年建立以来,在历任实验室班子的领导下,坚持“开放、流动、联合、竞争”八字方针,在凝聚学科人才、促进科研发展、构筑研究平台、扩大学术交流等方面取得了显著成绩,2003、2008、2013年三次通过国家评估,2018年在第四次国家评估中获评“优秀类国家重点实验室”。 为促进国内外学术交流,以多种形式引进高层次人才,提高重点实验室的学术研究水平和教学水平,推动高水平学科建设和高层次创新人才培养的作用,根据教育部《关于在高等学校国家重点实验室和教育部重点实验室实行访问学者制度的意见》、《关于在高等学校国家重点实验室和教育部重点实验室重点实验室访问学者专项基金管理办法》的有关规定和《国家重点实验室建设管理办法》、国家教委《高等学校开放实验室管理办法》,纤维材料改性国家重点实验室设立访问学者基金,诚挚邀请国内外相关领域的研究人员进行申请,鼓励与本室固定人员联合申报。实验室将本着“公平竞争、科学评审、择优支持”的原则,经专家组初审,主任办公会审议,由实验室学术委员会审定。 现将2020年访问学者基金课题指南公布如下: 一、资助研究方向 1、高性能纤维与复合材料; 2、功能纤维与低维材料; 3、环境友好与生物纤维材料; 4、其他有助于提升实验室研究水平的基础及应用研究。 二、资助对象及原则: 重点实验室访问学者分为两种类型:来自境外的学者;境内而非本校的学者。境外访问学者在重点实验室的工作时间原则上不得低于2个月,境内而非本校访问学者在重点实验室的工作时间原则上不得低于4个月。 资助原则: 1、每项基金课题资助经费为5-15万元,研究期限为两年。 2、研究课题需与本实验室研究方向相关,鼓励和本实验室的相关研究组结合。 3、鼓励学科交叉以及与本实验室优势互补的研究课题。 三、申请办法: 1、申请人须认真填写《纤维材料改性国家重点实验室访问学者课题申请书》纸质版申请书一式两份,须由申请人和单位负责人签字,并加盖公章。电子版申请书通过电子邮件发送(盖章页请扫描后附上)。 2、实验室常年接收访问学者基金申报材料,2020年度访问学者基金申请截止日期:2019年6月30日。 3、联系方式: 联系人:李老师 电子邮箱:sklfpm@dhu.edu.cn 联系电话:021-67792865;021-67792865(传真) 通信地址:上海市松江区人民北路2999号材料学院A418室 纤维材料改性国家重点实验室(邮编201620) 2019年5月8日 State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University Application Notification of 2020 Visiting Scholar Fund Since it was founded in 1992, SKLFPM has successfully passed national assessments in 2003, 2008 and 2013, and awarded the “Excellent State Key Laboratory” in the fourth national assessment in 2018. During these years, it has made significant achievements in many fields such as attracting disciplinary talents, promoting the development of scientific research, constructing the research platform, expanding the academic communication under the guidance the policy of SKLFPM, Openness, Mobility, Cooperation, Competition. In order to promote domestic and international academic communication and cooperation, introduce high-level talents in various forms, improve the academic research level and teaching level of SKLFPM, and strengthen the role of high-level discipline construction and high-level innovative talent cultivation, the open project fund is set according to the pertinent regulations of Ministry of Education “Opinions on the implementation of the visiting scholar system in the State Key Laboratory of Higher Education and the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education”, “The Administrative Regulations for Special Funds for Visiting Scholars in the State Key Laboratory of Colleges and the Key Laboratory of Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education” and “The Administrative Regulations for the Construction of State Key Laboratories”,State Education Commission “The Administrative Regulations for Open Labs in Colleges and Universities”, We sincerely invite domestic and foreign researchers in related fields to apply the open research project and encourage joint application with our laboratory’s researchers. The laboratory academic committee will determine the open project on the principle of fair competition, scientific review, Preferential support”. The guidelines for 2020 annual open project are released as follows: I. Main research fields of the visiting scholar supported by SKLFPM: 1)High performance fibers and composite materials; 2)Functional fibers and low-dimensional materials; 3)Environmentally friendly and bio-based fiber materials; 4)Other basic and applied research that helps to improve laboratory research level. II. Funding objects and principles: There are two types of visiting scholars in SKLFPM: scholars from abroad; scholars within the domestic institution rather than Donghua University. The working hours of overseas visiting scholars in SKLFPM shall not be less than 2 months in principle, and the working hours of domestic and non-local visiting scholars in SKLFPM shall not be less than 4 months in principle. Funding principles: 1. Each project can be supported 50,000 to 150,000 RMB and usually lasts two years. 2.The research topic needs to be related to the research direction of the laboratory, and it is encouraged to combine with the relevant research groups of the laboratory. 3. Encourage interdisciplinary and complementary research with our laboratory. III. Application 1. The applicant shall fill in the application form “The Open Project Application Form of State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials” and submit duplicate hardcopies and electronic edition. The application form shall be signed by the applicant and the person in charge of the unit, with the official seal affixed before submitting the proposal to SKLFPM. The electronic application form should be sealed, scanned and sent to sklfpm@dhu.edu.cn by e-mail. 2. The laboratory receives the application materials of Visiting Scholars Fund all year round. The deadline of application for Visiting Scholars Fund in 2020 is: 30 June 2019. 3. Contact Information: Contact Person: Ms. Li E-mail Address: sklfpm@dhu.edu.cn Phone: +86-21-67792865;fax: +86-21-67792865 Mailing Address:Room A418, Materials College Building, 2999 Renmin North Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai, China. Post code: 201620 State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials May 08, 2019